Bankruptcy Lawyers in Greensboro, NC and Eden, NC
Assisting Individuals with Bankruptcy Issues
Navigating bankruptcy and the laws, mandates, and parameters around it here in North Carolina is not a task for the faint of heart. That’s why here at Ivey McClellan, our experienced and knowledgeable bankruptcy attorneys work each and every day to provide legal help for clients attempting to navigate the complex paths of avoiding bankruptcy, filing for bankruptcy, and seeking alternative methods for debt consolidation. If you’re looking for a bankruptcy attorney in the Triad area with a track record of excellence and an acute knowledge of the bankruptcy process, you need look no further than a bankruptcy lawyer on the talented team here at Ivey McClellan.
With over seventy years of expertise providing legal bankruptcy services, assisting with bankruptcy protection, and representing the residents of Greensboro and Eden, North Carolina in bankruptcy court, our team has the skills, resources, and passion for bankruptcy law that really can make a difference for your situation.
Need Legal Representation?
Contact our Bankruptcy Attorneys to discuss your situation!
Premier Bankruptcy Lawyers in and near Greensboro
Our attorneys have experience dealing with all types of bankruptcy and bankruptcy laws, and we’re committed to helping our clients understand just what it takes to file for bankruptcy or avoid it. The three most common types of bankruptcy we deal with here at Ivey McClellan include Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Our bankruptcy law firm is also well equipped to handle consumer bankruptcy, business bankruptcy, and agriculture bankruptcy cases. With locations in both Eden, North Carolina and Greensboro, North Carolina, we’re conveniently accessible and always available to assist, no matter how complex your bankruptcy case may seem to be. Unlike other law firms that prefer cookie cutter responses and rote paperwork, we add a personal touch to our experiences with our clients, and we believe it’s this personal touch that sets us apart.
While there are other law firms that claim to help people with filing bankruptcy, our clients enjoy the fact that we take the time to get to know them in order to offer custom solutions to help them avoid or manage financial distress. For those considering bankruptcy or bankruptcy options, we know there’s a lot more to you and your situation than the fact that you may be struggling with debt or worrying about collection agencies. We feel that it’s our job to take that extra step to understand where you’re coming from when we’re building a case on your behalf. In some cases, a debt settlement is a better option than complete bankruptcy. In others, figuring out how to manage credit after bankruptcy is an issue that requires more attention. There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to deciding whether declaring bankruptcy is the right choice. We’re here to help you figure those parts out-- not to simply submit some bankruptcy forms and collect a check at the end of the case
Bankruptcy Law In North Carolina
Another key area where we stand out is in our commitment to practicing bankruptcy law right here in the heart of North Carolina. Where another bankruptcy firm may look to expand to other states after years of staying in one, we take pride in the fact that every one of our attorneys is a local attorney. We are North Carolinians that practice for other North Carolinians. We know how to deal with things like creditor harassment, because we live, work and play in the same areas as our clients. We get the frustration of overly complicated bankruptcy proceedings because we’ve practiced here for decades. And we take bankruptcy cases that affect the residents of the same state we know and love.
We won’t let outside pressure turn us into a huge conglomerate only interested in figures and quantities. Our law offices will always be here, which means we’ll always be here for you, too. Whether it’s debts that you’re looking to consolidate, foreclosure you’re hoping to avoid, or even navigating multiple bankruptcies, we’ll always be a helping hand and a powerful legal force right here by your side. If you’re looking to file bankruptcy, we’ll walk you through the steps of credit counseling, guide you through any means test, and assist you with creating a reorganization or repayment plan. If you’re hoping to avoid a bankruptcy filing, we’ll work with you to attempt to prevent wage garnishment, decrease credit card debt, and silence harassing creditors.
Get the Legal Representation You Need
Financial freedom is possible, even if you’re in a situation where it doesn’t seem like it. Our experienced North Carolina attorneys are here to help you, and we’re only a phone call away. Contact us to get started today!

Schedule An Appointment
Office Locations
305 Blandwood Ave
Greensboro, NC 27401
Phone: (336) 274-4658
Fax: 336-274-4540
551 Monroe Street
Eden, NC 27288
Phone: (336) 623-4600