We have over 40 years of combined experience as criminal lawyers in Greensboro, representing individuals on issues ranging from traffic tickets, to DUI defense, to misdemeanors, and all the way up to Capital Felonies. Ivey McClellan’s criminal defense attorneys in Greensboro can ably defend you in a criminal case, whether you’ve been charged with one of the…
Choosing the right criminal defense attorney can make a huge difference in your legal defense, and if it comes that far, your sentencing. Just like you wouldn’t want an orthopedic surgeon performing your brain surgery, you wouldn’t choose a corporate or probate lawyer to handle your criminal defense. While these attorneys may be adept at…
On July 28, 2014 Partner Darren McDonough and IMGT successfully defended a foreclosure action where IMGT’s client had made an agreement with the Bank to satisfy the mortgage. The client paid the agreed upon amount and the Bank still filed the foreclosure action. IMGT and Partner Darren McDonough were able to get the bank to dismiss the foreclosure action. Making…